Me, Myself and I

A Results-Driven, Human-Centric B2B Marketing Consultant.

JK Profile Yellow - Circle

14 Facts about me

  1. Originally from Spain, I'm based in Aarhus, Denmark. I didn't speak English until I was 25. Since then, I've learned English, Portuguese, and I'm slowly picking up Danish. If you're wondering, yes, I have an accent in every language I speak, and amusingly, even my Spanish has taken on a hint of Portuguese.

  2. I left Madrid in 2004 and have since lived in Ireland, Portugal, and now Denmark. Throughout my travels, I've visited 19 countries and counting, with Japan standing out as the furthest and most awe-inspiring place I've visited—twice!

  3. I'm married to an amazing woman who makes me a better person every day. We have a lively 2-year-old son who keeps us on our toes. Each day with him is a mix of imagination, play, and, let's be honest, a little exhaustion

  4. I have a passion for Art and Design. Back in middle school, a teacher told me I'd never be an artist, so I proved her wrong by becoming a (terrible) painter, a (decent) photographer, and a (decent) writer. In my spare time—when my son is finally asleep—I write about art here and design here."

  5. My first personal website was on Geocities (yep, I'm that old). And who could forget this classic that I included in my (not-so) beautiful design?

  6. At 36, I enrolled in university to earn a Bachelor's degree in Innovation & Entrepreneurship. I was easily the oldest person in the room! My first business model—a Platform Coop for Artists (now called DAOs)—didn't take off, but I learned a ton from the experience.

  7. I'm a decent cook, particularly with Spanish and Italian food. My specialty is Tortilla de Patata, a dish that's surprisingly controversial in Spain. Some folks insist it should only include eggs, potatoes, and salt, but I stand by adding onion—it's the right way to make it. Prove me wrong!

  8. I used to be a long-haired metalhead, but now I'm a bald guy rocking a six-pence hat. It's a must when it's freezing in Denmark for nine months of the year.

  9. The worst thing anyone ever said to me? In high school, the girls made a list to create the 'perfect guy' from the boys in our class—and the only part they wanted from me was my eyelashes. Saying I was disappointed is an understatement.

  10. The best thing anyone's ever said to me? 'Yes,' when my wife agreed to marry yours truly.

  11. I'm a terrible football player—sorry, son, I can't teach you to play, but I can definitely coach you.

  12. Speaking of football, I lose my mind whenever Spain plays in the World Cup or the Euro Championship.

  13. My favorite marketing campaign was a pro bono project with an NGO, raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer's treatment in Ireland.

  14. I've been in marketing since 2018, but before that, I had leadership roles (yes, the 'L' word) at large American companies like Xerox and LinkedIn. Then I took a leap into start-ups and scale-ups in Denmark.

Want to swap stories about marketing, art, or that controversial “Tortilla de Patata? Let's connect on LinkedIn

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Some of the Companies I've worked for:

My Values

Build Trust Daily

For me, everything starts with trust. It’s about showing up when I say I will, keeping my promises, and just being open and honest. Trust doesn’t happen overnight; it’s something I build every day through my actions. Every interaction I have is a chance to show I’m reliable.

Listen to the Human

I never assume I know the answer to my customers’ problems—instead, I ask "WHY" at least six times to uncover the root cause. They know where they are struggling, and their insights fuel our next course of action. Listen more. Talk less.

Engage with Humour

Humour is such a great way to connect with people. It breaks down barriers, creates a positive vibe, and just makes interactions more enjoyable. I find that a little laughter can really strengthen relationships and turn ordinary moments into memorable ones.

Seek to Inspire

I stay curious, look at things from different angles, and take some risks. By aiming to inspire others, I help create an environment where innovative ideas can really take off. I want my company to be seen as a hub of creativity and forward-thinking solutions.

Aim to Set Trends

Instead of just following trends, I aim to set them. It’s not easy, but it’s critical. I keep an eye on what’s new and exciting in our industry, but I also think laterally and beyond mediocrity. By creating value in ways our customers and their customers have never seen before, we push boundaries and shape the future, ensuring we always stand out from the crowd.

Do the right thing

It’s all about integrity and quality. I focus on making the right choices, even when they’re not the easiest ones. I don’t cut corners or look for quick fixes. By doing what’s right, I trust that everything else will fall into place and build a strong foundation for long-term success.

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